Tuesday, March 11, 2008


萬眾期待,今次海鮮"蠔"宴的舉行地方、食物和酒的終極詳情終於落實,我們將會把這個宴會從本來草議的尖沙咀,移師到蘭桂坊的高級私人上樓餐廳 - NOBLE,包晒成個場,就唔怕燥到人啦,有埋燭光浪漫氣氛添!!海鮮、連其他食物、包埋7種不同舊世界香檳紅白酒,只係收$510,名額只限20位,,舉辦日期係3月15日星期六,時間由8:30p.m. 直至1:00a.m.,但求盡興而歸。報名方法可在此blog留下姓名和聯絡方法給本人Justin或直接致電我的手提96373660預位,今個星期六,9/3/08, 為截止日期。唔好等,今次有不同國家的高級生蠔,又有不同的紅白酒,連希臘白酒都有,配蠔還係一絕,難能可貴!請大家快D報名吧!!


Wine Tasting Oysters Dinner Party in March 2008

Seafood Platter - Oysters from all over the World, 4 to 5 different kind of Oyster from different countries, Canadian Sweet clams, French Rose Prawns

(Alfred Gratien Champagne, NV, France
Sigalas Asyrthiko-Athiri 2004, Greek
Antinori Bramito 2006, Chardonnay, Italy
Bodegas Arzuaga Fan d'Oro 2006, Chardonnay, Spain)

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Half Broiled Eggs with White Truffle Cream on White Truffled Mashed Potato
Oyster Chowder
Cream of Wild Mushrooms and Truffle

(Les Gondats de Marquis 2004 AOC, Margaux, France - 2nd wine of Ch. Marquis de Terme 4th Growth)

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Hand-made Pasta with Wild Mushroons and Japanese Sea Urchin
Foie Gras Risotto with White Truffle Sauce

(Baron de Brane 2004 AOC, Margaux, France – 2nd wine of Ch. Brane – Cantenac 2nd Growth)

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Italian Walnut Cookies

(Heszolo Tokaj “Late Harvest” 2005, Hungary)