Wednesday, December 5, 2007





時間:晚上6:00開始 地點:油麻地, 廟街2-8號, 昆鏡大廈2樓 (油麻地地鐵站C出口 雅打街路口入)

暫定一些Wine List 如下:
1) Les Pelerines de Lafon Rochet 2003 St. Estephe –2nd wine of Ch. Lafon Rochet
Deep velvety color, fresh blackcurrants, clove, mint, floral, full and fleshy, purity of fruit and ripe tannins, masses of charm.
A pleasant and spicy nose introduces us to a supple, fruity wine with a pleasant mouthfeel. Its freshness and balance make this second wine a good way to discover a fine Saint Este`phe.

2) Reserve de la Comtesse 1999 Pauillac 2nd wine of Ch. Pichon Lalande
Beautiful brilliant deep ruby colour. Soft in the mouth, fruity (blackcurrant, smoked oak, walnut). A little bit full-bodied, creamy mouth.

3) Ch. De Braude 2003 Haut Medoc CB
Deep dark ruby with. Intense classy nose of dark berries, leather, green pepper, pine and oak background. Well integrated and balanced. Ripe tannin, fruit flavour less intense than nose. Medium finish with astrigency, fruit and oak. Good quality of Haut Medoc.
*Ch. de Braude has been upgraded to the new 2003 Crus Bourgeois du Medoc Classification.

4) Ch. St. Anne 2004 Pauillac AOC
Pauillac is considered the capital of the Me'doc peninsula. In 1855, 18 crus classe's were found within its borders, including 3 premiers grands crus classe's (see Me'doc classification from 1855).
Powerful and framed wine, but with much elegance. Often austere in its youth, it opened out by preserving a remarkable balance.

5) Champagne - Philippe Gonet ROY SOLEIL GRAND CRU
This wine is a pure Chardonnay from Le Mesnil aged in new oak ("demi-muid of 600 liters - a traditional Champagne barrel).
30% of the cuvee is aged in oak, the reste is aged in staniless steel tanks. The bottle is engraved by a nice blazon GRAND CRU for the first time in Champagne, launch by la maison Gonet.



Thursday, August 9, 2007

謝師宴 - 八月七

工聯會的紅白酒進階班,經過四個星期的地獄式訓練 (最地獄是星期日要十點鐘上堂),終於在八月五號功得無量地完結。當然要多謝兩位老師 - 呀洪sir 和呀袁sir 的愛心教導!

所以,我地一班熱心 +青春的同學,便在八月七號 (星期二) 晚,在南洋酒店二十八樓 - 呀袁 sir 地頭,舉行一個簡單而又籠重的謝師宴,作出對老師的一點心意。更高興的,洪 sir 帶了他的太太出值,真的如傳說中的美麗。

是次的菜單,由袁 sir編寫。酒方面,由洪 sir 安排!我地又係飲飲食食 ~ 哈哈!不停話:食多D、食多D、食多D!飲多D、飲多D、飲多D!

1) CHAMPAGNE Taittinger Brut Reserve, Reims NV

2) CORREGGIA ARNEIS, Piedmonte, Italy 2005

3) DOMAINE MICHEL GROS, Burgundy, France 2004

4) Irvine Merlot, Eden Valley, South Australia 2002

5) HERDADO DE MEIO, Alentejo, Portugal 2003

6) Torreon de Paredes Special Family Reserve Don Amado 1999, Rengo, Chile
7) Grimaldi Barolo Sotto Castello di Novello, Piedmonte, Italy 2001

多謝麗君同學贊助的香檳!我自己也帶了支新世界的Kiona Lemberger, Estate Bottled Red Mountain 2003去。

大家都在歡樂的氣氛之下,飲飽食醉。洪sir 支Burgundy 白酒好正!最後支Barolo真係神之水滴,好彩飲左兩坏~Chilled!

更多謝袁sir 見到我地呢班蝗蟲學生的吞吐量 之下,追加不同的芝士和餅乾,俾我地果複之用。兩位呀sir萬歲!


只知道....袁sir 影相好謝老四.....有型入格,同埋呀sir上課時的專業金句:最緊要吹得、Balance、有骨幹、有酸度.......